In order to be the best, you need to learn from the best.
For over 35 years, we’ve prepared students for a bright future in the music industry. And we’re proud to have some of the music industry’s most experienced and talented tutors on-board at every college to guide you on your journey towards a career you’ll love.
Have a look through our inspirational tutors below and see who you’ll be studying under.
Dylan Murphy is a Contemporary Classical Art Music Composer/Performer, from Galway in Ireland’s West, but is…
Gavin started his career with Irish band Turn. He signed his first deal at the age…
Joe formed The Stunning in 1987 with his brother Steve, co-writing their first hit single ‘Got…
Julie Shanley is singer, pianist, choral director and music teacher. She graduated with a BA in…
Max is a songwriter, pianist and singer. He began studying piano at the age of nine…
Ollie is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist and songwriter who began playing and writing at the age of…
Ray began his career in the 90s as lead guitarist and songwriter in the band The…
Robbie Malone is most well known as the bass player for David Gray, although his bass…
Shelley Bukspan was born in The Bronx, N.Y, and immigrated to Ireland in 1986. Since the…